OurWorld Fan Club




Hey guys, sorry again for not going on. Im gonna start trying to go on a lot, but i have been busy from my piles of school work.  If you added me on ourworld you saw i would come on a lot. but like a said piles of homework that wont get done itself is in the way.  i go on at least once a day to put in the cheat for sure.  i just got home cause my school had a lock down today so right this second its 5:26.  Oh yea...i finally got a hoverboard.  Im level 40 but almost level 41. i got my rez back, from my birthday my friend was so sweet and got me 2 rez cards for a month each so the won im using now is gonna end on the 19th i think.  BUT i have one more left so yay! i know u guys stop visiting my website because i dont change anything. well AGAIN! "PILES OF HOMEWORK" luckily i have no school this friday or the next friday so i can go on thursday night and friday night if im not doing anything so this website is going to change more.  oh yea. i cant go on today because i have a french test and even if i have a A+ in that class and my friends and teacher says its very easy. my dad says STUDY STUDY STUDY, u know parents. Anyways i dont check the emails any more either. but that was my website email and i dont use it really.  so email [email protected] i always check my email on that. My email is set up on my itouch and my iphone so i always have one of them with me and if im not in class i WILL reply. sorry for my long message (:

    Some info...

    Im new, so my website is pretty boring.  I'm a resident.  I'm going to put up videos as soon as I make them.  I have a fever, so if i put up a video my voice is going unclear and horrible.  I add everyone who sends a request.  I would like some gifts.  My name is Kay4ever944.  I'm going to change it. ASK QUESTIONS AND I WILL ANSWER IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! 


    March 2011
    February 2011
    December 2010



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